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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Baby Update - February 18, 2010

Happy February! I think this has been a memorable month for everyone. I will be referring to February from here on out as the longest month in history. I’m going to guess our family and friends in West Virginia and Ohio will be remembering it more as the month that the snow never stopped. Whatever February has meant to you so far, hope it’s been a decent one!

Everything is as it should be on the baby front. Kaden is healthy and comfortable, Mommy is healthy and uncomfortable and Daddy is healthy and trying to survive. From here on out we go Army style and just hurry up and wait.

We officially passed the 37 week milestone, which is the point when the baby is considered full term and possible to deliver at any time. At our 37 week appointment the doctor showed us how the baby was laying and even showed us how to feel his head. I’m sure it’s a little wrong to be squeezing on your babies head, but we only did it once under medical supervision and it was really cool to feel! The Docs best guess is that Kaden will come out somewhere in the 7 ½ lb range, though he’s not letting us hold him to that. His actual words were somewhat to the effect of “big enough to be healthy, but no so big as to be mean”.

As of today we are at week 38 and 13 days away from his March 3 due date.

Some of you have been asking about visitors after the baby is born, how will we know when he’s here, when can we come see him, etc, so thought I would share with you guys what we know at this point.

We are planning to deliver at Presbyterian in Matthews

Our expected stay would be between 2-3 nights depending on how the delivery goes
Kaden will be born, bathed, etc all in the same room and with the exception of the brief period of time for circumcision, unless medically necessary he will not be leaving that room until we come home – ie he will not be in the nursery

It is generally 1 to 1.5 hours after his birth before the hospital allows visitors back in to the birthing suite. This gives time to clean everybody up, do necessary checks, get a bath and babies first meal. In the event of a c-section it could be a bit longer.
The labor and delivery floor is a secured floor, so they do require sign in and ID before they let you back on the floor.

The flu warnings are still in effect, so nobody under the age of 18 is allowed on the L&D floor for any reason

We are most definitely planning to have our cell phones, laptop, email, facebook and internet access so that we can do our best to share the great news with everyone as soon as we can. Having never done this before I’m not sure what “as soon as we can” means, so please be patient with us.

We have secured the services of highly trained professionals to help us acclimate to life as new parents. Granny (aka Grandma Carolyn) and Grandma Karen have volunteered to make the long trip and stay with us during the first few days to help us keep things afloat while we all adjust. We are also expecting a visit from Pappa John and Grandma Nee….provided they can dig their way out of WV.

Kiesel will be going to stay with the Lambiotte’s while we are at the hospital to ensure he is not without love and attention during our brief absence from home.

We are planning to make a trip to West Virginia in April, but dates are TBD based on when he arrives and when we feel comfortable making the trip with him. More details forthcoming on that trip.

We know that everyone is crazy excited to meet our little guy and we are excited to introduce him to all the people who are going to be part of his life….I mean really, can you have too much love? So whether we see you in the hospital, see you after we get home or somewhere in the future we look forward to it. Please just be patient with us as we feel our way through everything.

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