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Monday, May 10, 2010

Smile for Daddy!

Wow! Here we are staring down Kaden's 2 month mark. It's been a whirl wind month and he has changed so much in a short time that it's hard to know where to start.

We started out the month with a visit from Aunt Amy and Uncle Justin. They flew all the way from Indianapolis to spend the weekend with us and meet their nephew for the first time. We couldn't have ordered better weather for their visit and of course Kaden had a great time getting spoiled by his aunt and uncle. As all good Aunt's do, Amy came loaded with gifts and Kaden is now properly outfitted for all Pittsburgh sporting events, including of course the hockey playoffs.

Speaking of hockey playoffs, Kaden has enjoyed each Penguins game in the series from the comforts of his Daddy's lap. A couple of bottles and a Penguins game make for some pretty happy father and son moments. I would say it's pretty safe to say that the next generation of sport's loving Marcum's is in development.

We have also been getting out and about more locally and have been visiting with friends in the Charlotte area on weekends. Kaden even made his first trip to the town of Waxhaw and continues to be an excellent traveler. He seems to have a fan base wherever we go and is enjoying all the attention and love.

With regards to the Big Man himself, Kaden continues to grow like a weed. He is now wearing 6 month clothes and in some cases 6 - 9 month clothes. We go tomorrow for our 2 month checkup and expect to hear that he is developing perfectly! And of course the big news for the month is that Kaden has started smiling. Daddy was the first to get to see Kaden's beautiful smile, but there have been many more since then shared with Mommy and others. Kaden has also discovered the various sites and sounds of his baby einstein gym and spends up to 30 minutes at a time playing and cooing in his gym. He is also showing signs of being interested in books as he kicks, grins and coos when being read to. So far he seems to like his animal book best with the bright colors and big pictures.

We are still not sleeping through the night, but Kaden is occasionally surprising us with 5 and 6 hour stretches, so we are hoping a full nights sleep is on the horizon. For now though we will do our best to enjoy the late night feeding/cuddling sessions and know that someday we will long for him to smile and cuddle with us at 2 in the morning.

Speaking of feedings, it is getting to be close to that time when Kaden will be demanding lunch (and I do mean demanding) so it's probably best if I wrap this up and get lunch prepared.

Best Wishes to all!


  1. I love these updates. Kaden will have a beautiful book to look back on. Keep up the good work.

  2. What a wonderful, if not ideal, atmosphere for a child to grow up in. After I read your posting I prayed for the Lance, Amanda, & Kaden family. I thank God for his Mom and Dad who will be faithful to care and nurture their son and encourage him to be all that he can be.
    Kaden's Great Uncle Bill
